Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Welcome to our Blog

Bienvenidos a Guatemala is a blog about an ordinary group of St. Louis people co-laboring with Jesus in an extraordinary way in the region of Cerro de Oro, Guatemala. Guatemala is a Latin American country filled with a rich culture and heritage. It is the home to more than 22 different indigenous languages stemming from the original Mayan people. The Mayans were an intelligent ancient people known for many advances in society such as a complex calendar, math and astronomy. Today, the country is inhabited by about 22 Indigenous groups of  Mayan descent and Ladinos who are Europeanized Central American people of predominantly Spanish origin. Blanketing this country is an intricate variety of features such as luscious green mountains, sky-blue rivers, volcanoes, magnificent waterfalls, cloud-filled rainforests, and palm tree beaches. The spiritual atmosphere is arrayed with Catholicism, Evangelicalism, and Mayan Culture religion. These spiritual beliefs have been juxtaposed in such a way that the religions  have often been intertwined into a medley of beliefs. This is especially true in the area  where we are serving, Cerro de Oro, where Catholicism has merged with Mayan religion and made an image called  "Maximon". You can see further information by following this link:

 And so, this is the story of 24 North Americans following Jesus into a foreign culture to see what He will do.

Our goal  in this trip to Cerro de Oro is to declare that our God is the one true God, and that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life!

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