Sunday, June 12, 2011

History is made in Guatemala

Here we are in beautiful Antigua for relaxation, after a week that is beyond words. We are so grateful for all that the Lord has done in Guatemala.
  On Friday, we had the children´s community outreach and feeding. Approxiamately 200 children came for face painting, a drama, Bible trivia, rice, tortillas, and testimonies (given by our own Lynn Renaud, and Vince LoRusso!!). 
  On Saturday we took a boat ride across Lake Atitlan to a small town of San Pedro for some exploring and shopping. It was at this gorgeous location that history was made, Craig Phoenix asked Kelly Berger to be his wife. It will be a trip to remember for sure! Congrats! May God bless you abundantly!
  Saturday afternoon, we dedicated the two widow`s houses to the Lord. We layed hands on the walls of each house and prayed blessings and declared God´s goodness. We declared that these houses would be a light in their neigborhoods, and a place of refuge. The life of these widow´s has been changed forever, and all Glory belongs to the Lord!
   Saturday night we joined in a fiery youth service. Two of our very own Southgate girls (the Wipper ladies, Madeline and Lydia) gave their testimonies to the youth of Cerro de Oro. It was an amazing night to share with our Guatemalan family.  At the end of the night with tears, hugs, and photos we said our goodbyes. And as one of our Guatemalan friends shouted in Spanish,  "If we don´t see you on Facebook, we will see you in heaven!"
   There is still so much more to tell and share, but as the group is waiting for me to go get ice cream I must end this entry.  We have just a short time left here in this place, and by Tuesday night we will be back in St. Louis.  Thank you all for co-laboring with us in prayer and intercession.  I have no doubt that a spiritual shift and breakthrough has been made in Cerro de Oro, Guatemala.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

June 9, 2011

God continues to move and make an impact on this little community of Cerro de Oro.  Yesterday, in the morning the ladies of the group had the honor and priviledge of sharing time with the women of Cerro de Oro. So at 9am in the morning one by one, a group of bronzed beautiful mothers and babies arrived at the church . Jo Ann and Nancy shared about the bridegroom love of  our beloved Jesus.  It was powerful and many were weeping, including our own team.
  Then in the evening, Nancy, Lynn, Shelly, and Tonya gave an equipping course on Children´s Ministry. They shared from the cirriculum that is used at Southgate, and gave some tips and insight, but mostly encouragement for the chlidren´s ministry here.

 Tomorrow, we will partner with the church here in a children´s outreach. We have been told that 200-300 children from Cerro de Oro and surrounding towns are expected.  Let´s pray that many children are reached, for they are the future of Cerro de Oro.

On Saturday we will be dedicating the work sites to the Lord, including, a widow´s new home, and addition of a kitchen and a bathroom for another widow.  I pray that these homes will be a blessing to the families.

Saturday night we will participate in a youth service that will include testimonies from the youth of Cerro de Oro, and testimonies from our own youth.

Thank you for all of your intercession. Keep praying for the Spiritual atmosphere of this community.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Schedule Update

Ok friends, family, and intercessors here is the schedule for the rest of the week. Please use this information to be praying for us and with us while we minister to the Guatemalans.

Tonight 6/7/11 - Prayer meeting - Terry Joggerst is speaking

Wed 6/8/11 -  Women´s Meeting ( one of the very first women´s meetings in this town)- Jo Ann is speaking
Wed evening - Children ministry workers equipping training(the very first Children´s ministry equipping and training in this town EVER!!) -Lynn Renaud, Tonya Brown, Shelly Spence, and Nancy LoRusso are speaking.

Thursday evening- Terry Joggerst is teaching

Friday 6/10/11 - Children´s feeding outreach

Saturday evening - Youth Group Service -Terry Joggerst is teaching

Please be praying for all these things. That the Holy Spirit would move. Please also pray for translation and communication, that it would be smooth. We will also still be doing construction every day this week in the morning and afternoon. Thank you so much! Everyone here is doing great and staying healthy!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 2 in Cerro de Oro

Greetings from Guatemala! I want to begin by telling you about an amazing first church service we were priviledged to take apart of last night. We performed our drama, and then Terry spoke on intimacy of the Father´s heart. After a moving word on the love and intimacy of the Father, many were moved and came forward for prayer. The wind and fire of the Holy Spirit began moving faster than our little group of 24 could handle. Several young women were delivered from oppressive spirits, and countless men and women of Guatemala encountered the living God. Praise the Lord! At points during the altar call there were so many being slain in the Spirit, that we couldn´t even walk through to reach the others that hadn´t been prayed for yet. It was a day recorded in heaven! Thank you intercessors for your fiery prayers that are impacting the people in Cerro de Oro. Your prayers have changed history in this little town.

  Then, today we began our construction projects. We divided into 3 groups. Group one is working on the 3 story church that will eventually seat 3,000 (which happens to be the population of the town). The second project is building a widow´s home, and the third project is was finishing plumbing for a bathroom. Hauling bricks and 50 pound bags of sand makes for many tired gringos tonight, but we are up for the challenge tomorrow. Keep praying. God Bless.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mount Cerro de Oro

As we rolled into the town of Cerro de Oro yesterday, there it stood...The mountain we knew we would climb and claim for Jesus. As we passed by the mountain on the way to where we were staying it looked daunting. "Tommorow", we said in our hearts. The next morning over a breakfast of eggs, beans, and tortillas we sat and discussed the verses we would declare over the mayan altars of Cerro de Oro. One in particular came from 1 Kings 18 where Elijah confronts the prophets of Baal. In verse 38-39 when God comes with fire, all the people cry "The Lord He is God!" And so, after a long rocky, steep climb up the mountain with 24 gringos and countless local Guatemalans, we proclaimed "El Senor, el es Dios!(The Lord He is God!)"  We then lanced our fiery prayers into the atmosphere to tear down this ancient altar and build an altar of praise! As we finished our prophetic declarations and praise, the clouds parted (literally and spiritually) and rays of sunlight poured out upon the very place we stood. This land was holy land, and the spiritual atmosphere had shifted to Glorify God. (See the video posted)

Claiming the altars of Cerro de Oro for God.

This video shows when we had ascended to the top of the mountain of Cerro de Oro and had reached the mayan altar that had stood for years. We then declared in English and Spanish that Jesus our Lord is the God of that land.