Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 2 in Cerro de Oro

Greetings from Guatemala! I want to begin by telling you about an amazing first church service we were priviledged to take apart of last night. We performed our drama, and then Terry spoke on intimacy of the Father´s heart. After a moving word on the love and intimacy of the Father, many were moved and came forward for prayer. The wind and fire of the Holy Spirit began moving faster than our little group of 24 could handle. Several young women were delivered from oppressive spirits, and countless men and women of Guatemala encountered the living God. Praise the Lord! At points during the altar call there were so many being slain in the Spirit, that we couldn´t even walk through to reach the others that hadn´t been prayed for yet. It was a day recorded in heaven! Thank you intercessors for your fiery prayers that are impacting the people in Cerro de Oro. Your prayers have changed history in this little town.

  Then, today we began our construction projects. We divided into 3 groups. Group one is working on the 3 story church that will eventually seat 3,000 (which happens to be the population of the town). The second project is building a widow´s home, and the third project is was finishing plumbing for a bathroom. Hauling bricks and 50 pound bags of sand makes for many tired gringos tonight, but we are up for the challenge tomorrow. Keep praying. God Bless.

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