Sunday, June 12, 2011

History is made in Guatemala

Here we are in beautiful Antigua for relaxation, after a week that is beyond words. We are so grateful for all that the Lord has done in Guatemala.
  On Friday, we had the children´s community outreach and feeding. Approxiamately 200 children came for face painting, a drama, Bible trivia, rice, tortillas, and testimonies (given by our own Lynn Renaud, and Vince LoRusso!!). 
  On Saturday we took a boat ride across Lake Atitlan to a small town of San Pedro for some exploring and shopping. It was at this gorgeous location that history was made, Craig Phoenix asked Kelly Berger to be his wife. It will be a trip to remember for sure! Congrats! May God bless you abundantly!
  Saturday afternoon, we dedicated the two widow`s houses to the Lord. We layed hands on the walls of each house and prayed blessings and declared God´s goodness. We declared that these houses would be a light in their neigborhoods, and a place of refuge. The life of these widow´s has been changed forever, and all Glory belongs to the Lord!
   Saturday night we joined in a fiery youth service. Two of our very own Southgate girls (the Wipper ladies, Madeline and Lydia) gave their testimonies to the youth of Cerro de Oro. It was an amazing night to share with our Guatemalan family.  At the end of the night with tears, hugs, and photos we said our goodbyes. And as one of our Guatemalan friends shouted in Spanish,  "If we don´t see you on Facebook, we will see you in heaven!"
   There is still so much more to tell and share, but as the group is waiting for me to go get ice cream I must end this entry.  We have just a short time left here in this place, and by Tuesday night we will be back in St. Louis.  Thank you all for co-laboring with us in prayer and intercession.  I have no doubt that a spiritual shift and breakthrough has been made in Cerro de Oro, Guatemala.


1 comment:

  1. I heard numbers like 400 to 490 meals were distributed at that outreach
