Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mount Cerro de Oro

As we rolled into the town of Cerro de Oro yesterday, there it stood...The mountain we knew we would climb and claim for Jesus. As we passed by the mountain on the way to where we were staying it looked daunting. "Tommorow", we said in our hearts. The next morning over a breakfast of eggs, beans, and tortillas we sat and discussed the verses we would declare over the mayan altars of Cerro de Oro. One in particular came from 1 Kings 18 where Elijah confronts the prophets of Baal. In verse 38-39 when God comes with fire, all the people cry "The Lord He is God!" And so, after a long rocky, steep climb up the mountain with 24 gringos and countless local Guatemalans, we proclaimed "El Senor, el es Dios!(The Lord He is God!)"  We then lanced our fiery prayers into the atmosphere to tear down this ancient altar and build an altar of praise! As we finished our prophetic declarations and praise, the clouds parted (literally and spiritually) and rays of sunlight poured out upon the very place we stood. This land was holy land, and the spiritual atmosphere had shifted to Glorify God. (See the video posted)

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