Thursday, June 9, 2011

June 9, 2011

God continues to move and make an impact on this little community of Cerro de Oro.  Yesterday, in the morning the ladies of the group had the honor and priviledge of sharing time with the women of Cerro de Oro. So at 9am in the morning one by one, a group of bronzed beautiful mothers and babies arrived at the church . Jo Ann and Nancy shared about the bridegroom love of  our beloved Jesus.  It was powerful and many were weeping, including our own team.
  Then in the evening, Nancy, Lynn, Shelly, and Tonya gave an equipping course on Children´s Ministry. They shared from the cirriculum that is used at Southgate, and gave some tips and insight, but mostly encouragement for the chlidren´s ministry here.

 Tomorrow, we will partner with the church here in a children´s outreach. We have been told that 200-300 children from Cerro de Oro and surrounding towns are expected.  Let´s pray that many children are reached, for they are the future of Cerro de Oro.

On Saturday we will be dedicating the work sites to the Lord, including, a widow´s new home, and addition of a kitchen and a bathroom for another widow.  I pray that these homes will be a blessing to the families.

Saturday night we will participate in a youth service that will include testimonies from the youth of Cerro de Oro, and testimonies from our own youth.

Thank you for all of your intercession. Keep praying for the Spiritual atmosphere of this community.

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