Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Schedule Update

Ok friends, family, and intercessors here is the schedule for the rest of the week. Please use this information to be praying for us and with us while we minister to the Guatemalans.

Tonight 6/7/11 - Prayer meeting - Terry Joggerst is speaking

Wed 6/8/11 -  Women´s Meeting ( one of the very first women´s meetings in this town)- Jo Ann is speaking
Wed evening - Children ministry workers equipping training(the very first Children´s ministry equipping and training in this town EVER!!) -Lynn Renaud, Tonya Brown, Shelly Spence, and Nancy LoRusso are speaking.

Thursday evening- Terry Joggerst is teaching

Friday 6/10/11 - Children´s feeding outreach

Saturday evening - Youth Group Service -Terry Joggerst is teaching

Please be praying for all these things. That the Holy Spirit would move. Please also pray for translation and communication, that it would be smooth. We will also still be doing construction every day this week in the morning and afternoon. Thank you so much! Everyone here is doing great and staying healthy!!!

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